IEEE Standards Development eTools

IEEE SA offers a variety of tools to assist in the standards development process. For assistance with requesting access to any of the tools, please contact your IEEE SA Program Manager.

eTools myProject icon


myProject is the Standard Association’s tool to allow you to better manage and keep up to date on projects and topics that you are interested in.

Learn More About myProject

eTools attendance icon

IEEE Attendance Tool

Attendance Tool allows Working Groups to setup meetings and record attendance.

Learn More About the IEEE Attendance Tool

eTools mentor icon


Mentor provides a secure area where Working Groups can manage documents outside of public view.

Learn More About Mentor

eTools open source icon


A comprehensive open source development platform that harnesses the power of familiar open source development tools.

Learn More About IEEE SA Open

eTools iMeet icon

iMeet Central

This web-based collaboration workspace can be used to upload and share files, continue discussions via available fora, and manage timeline and milestones via calendar.

Learn More About iMeet Central

eTools WordPress icon


WordPress is a content management system which can be used to host your Working Group’s website.

Learn More About WordPress

eTools webex icon


Web/Teleconference service offered at no cost to Sponsors and their WGs. Contact your PM for creation.

Learn More About Webex

eTools listserv icon


Email list management tool.

Learn More About Listserv

eTools explore icon

IEEE Xplore

IEEE’s platform for the IEEE store and subscriptions containing IEEE standards, journals, transactions, letters, magazines and conference proceedings, IET journals and conference proceedings, and IEEE educational courses.

Learn More About IEEE Xplore

eTools dictionary icon

Standards Dictionary

Standards Dictionary is a database of terms as defined in IEEE standards. This application is made available to Sponsor/Working Group officers and technical editors.

Learn More About the Standards Dictionary

Systems Status Information and Alerts Icon

Systems Status Information and Alerts

View status information on service disruptions and planned maintenance for IEEE SA supported tools.

Learn More About Systems Status Information and Alerts

eTools Membership Icon

Entity Membership Portal

Manage your profile or renew your company membership.

Learn More About the Entity Membership Portal

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