Our Vision

Explore Our Vision

Connectivity has become the 4th basic human need.

The IEEE SA Connectivity & Telecom Practice is a global platform of excellence bringing together committed volunteer stakeholders to evaluate, validate, and develop solutions to help provide access to those not connected or under serviced.

The practice is focused on three main priority areas: rural communications, consumer communications and industrial communications. These focus areas were created to address the obstacles to connectivity, accessibility and quality of communications.


To realize a robust, responsible and affordable connectivity (wired, wireless) and provide improved reliable connectivity to meet the ever-increasing data, innovation and economic aims across different domains and regions of the world.

Questions we are looking to answer through the work of this practice:

  • How might the aim of Connecting the Unconnected allow for improved digital literacy and economic wellbeing to avoid predatory data capture and compromise?
  • What would it take to improve broadband and internet access in underserved communities locally and globally in support of improved healthcare, education, economic development, etc?
  • How can we better secure, enable, evolve networks and their business models to improve innovations in the fields of healthcare, mobility, energy, education, finance, social impact and beyond?


Rural Communication

Rural connectivity will open new opportunities for the communities and will lead to improvement in their quality of life. Internet connectivity will provide people with more options to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Information on healthcare, agriculture, education, employment opportunities, etc. can be accessed by the people through the internet. COVID-19 reinforces the need for affordable connectivity and this effort focuses on the challenges, opportunities and solution in providing sustainable, reliable and affordable connectivity to rural areas.

Learn More About Rural Communication

Consumer Communications

Consumer communications is important to provide improved, secure and reliable connectivity for data intensive applications like UAV, gaming, media, AR/VR, web based intensive applications. Consumer communication is not only about embracing and defining new technologies, but also about embracing the new perceptions/ realities towards consumers as well.

Learn More About Consumer Communications

Industrial Communication

Industrial Communication is important to provide reliable and regulatory approved connectivity for time critical applications like telehealth, telemedicine, smart cities, smart hubs etc.  Industrial Communication will provide new ways of communicating for a broad set of providers, step-change improvements in information exchange, and broadening access and integration of technology.

Learn More About Industrial Communication

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